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English Dissertation


  1. Wu, Hongjiang.Associations between socioeconomic status and prevalence, incidence and complications of type 2 diabetes in China[D]:The University of Edinburgh.2019

  2. Lu, Wentian.Socioeconomic Impacts on Healthy Ageing in the US, England, China and Japan[D]:University College London.2019

  3. DONG DI.The Retirement Expectations of Middle-aged Chinese: Differences between Self-employed Workers and Wage and Salary Workers[D]:The Graduate School Seoul National University.2019

  4. Fang, Mingying. The Effect of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Depression Symptoms among Older Adults in China. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada: University of Waterloo[D]: the University of Waterloo.2019.

  5. Zhang, Z. The epidemiology of dyslipidaemia in the cardiovascular epidemic in china. Master’s thesis, The University of Melbourne, 2019.


  1. Wu, F. What leads to a happy life? Subjective well-being in alaska, china, and australia. PhD thesis, University of Southern California, 2018.

  2. Zhang, Y. Understanding saving, consumption, and healthcare systems in china. PhD thesis, University of Birmingham, 2018.

  3. ZHANG, L.-R. The interplay of health and well-being in chinese older couples. Master’s thesis, North Carolina State University, 2018.

  4. Wang, P. Prevalence and clustering of cardiovascular disease risk factors among the chinese elder population. Master’s thesis, Yale University, 2018.

  5. Mao, X. The relationship between social support and subjective well-being among older adults in china. PhD thesis, New York University, 2018.

  6. Liu, L. Motion in china: Social inclusion of migrant workers from rural to urban areas. PhD thesis, University of Trento, 2018.


  1. Liu, Y. Health of the adult children caregivers for older adults in mainland china. PhD thesis, Virginia Tech, 2017.

  2. Nie, Y. Modelling long-term care for older people china. PhD thesis, University of Southampton, 2017.

  3. Kerr, A. Essays on gender roles and child investment in developing countries. PhD thesis, Clemson University, 2017.

  4. Wang, Z. The relationship between independence of living and living in rural or urban area for senior citizens in china. Master’s thesis, Georgetown University, 2017.

  5. Zhang, L. Social support and older adult health in china. PhD thesis, Harvard University, 2017.

  6. Qilimuge FACTORS influencing health care utilization among middle aged and elderly people in china. PhD thesis, Chulalongkorn University, 2017.

  7. Yang, X. Older people in china: Their health and the roles of social capital and household income inequality. PhD thesis, University of Birmingham, 2017.

  8. Liang, D. A natural experiment about the effects of urbanization on elders’ mental well-being and chronic disease management: Lessons from china’s passive urbanization. PhD thesis, University of California , 2017.

  9. Liang, D. A natural experiment about the effects of urbanization on elders’ mental well-being and chronic disease management: Lessons from china’s passive urbanization. PhD thesis, University of California Los Angeles, 2017.

  10. Shen, X. The impact of insurance status on hypertension-related medical utilization in china. Master’s thesis, Georgetown University, 2017.


  1. Dong, J. Essays on the economics of long-term care and the family. PhD thesis, The University of Chicago, 2016.

  2. Bao, L. INTERGENERATIONAL support and well-being of older adults in changing family contexts. PhD thesis, University of Maryland, 2016.

  3. Liu, H.; Lou, V. Productive activity profiles and depressive symptoms of urban chinese elderly: Evidences from a national survey. Master’s thesis, 2016.

  4. Chen, J. Determinants of chinese elderly living arrangements: Coresidence decision and concurrence of preference, evidence from charls 2013. Master’s thesis, Georgetown University, 2016.

  5. Zhou, J. Leisure time physical activity preferences, behaviors, and hypertension: Evidence from the china health & nutrition survey, 2004-2011. PhD thesis, University of Nebraska Medical Center, 2016.

  6. Wang, H. Childhood nutrition and income status effects on health and economic outcomes. PhD thesis, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2016.

  7. Arnott, G. Economic Transfers from Adult Children and Healthcare Utilization by Older Chinese, Emory University 2016.

  8. Liu, L. Microeconomic analyses of the health of the elderly in china. PhD thesis, University of Nottingham, 2016.

  9. Yu, G. EMPLOYMENT of older workers in china: THE state and the life course. PhD thesis, The University of Bremen & Jacobs University, 2016.

  10. Smith, D. A study of pain and mortality: The role of lifestyle, health, social and psychological factors. PhD thesis, Keele University, 2016.

  11. Chen, C. Health economic analysis of china’s health insurance system. PhD thesis, University of York, 2016.


  1. Xu, R. Labor supply decision and mental health: Does retirement matter? PhD thesis, Hong Kong University of Science; Technology, 2015.

  2. Yang, F. Social determinants for the depressive symptoms of chinese rural mature and older population in the context of urbanization : Social identity, living arrangement, and community environment. PhD thesis, The University of Hong Kong, 2015.

  3. Wang, H. Three essays on fertility, labor market performance, and parental mental health. PhD thesis, Michigan State University, 2015.

  4. JingyuanXu Community facilities and the health of older adults in china. Master’s thesis, Clemson University, 2015.

  5. Song, Q.J. THE great migration and healthof the left-behind elderly inrural china. PhD thesis, University of New York, 2015.


  1. Okubo, T. Access to health care in china: Comparative study on data from charls pilot and share. Master’s thesis, Lund University, 2014.

  2. Mastel, L. Gli effetti della riforma sanitaria cinese: Evidenza empirica con l’uso dei dati charls. Master’s thesis, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, 2014.

  3. Dalla Rizza, J. Le determinanti del risparmio in cina: Evidenza empirica con l’uso dei dati charls. Master’s thesis, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, 2014.


  1. Xia, Q. Healthcare expenditures for the middle-aged and the elderly in china: The older, the fewer? Evidence from charls national baseline data. PhD thesis, Hong Kong University of Science; Technology, 2013.


  1. Wang, Z. Changes of patterns of intergenerational transfers in urban and rural china. Master’s thesis, Lund university, 2011.


  1. Chen, X. (Zoey) Essays on the impact of china’sOne-child policy on economicdevelopment. PhD thesis, University of British Columbia, 2010.

简体中文 | 2019-11-28
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